11 February 2009

LaRouche Webcast Wed02-11-2009

February 11, 2009 Webcast
LaRouche Webcast Wed02-11-2009 for 2hr38min43sec
Audio playable in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian
Audio downloadable in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian
Video playable in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian
Video downloadable in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian

I have my angers about LaRouche et al. But here he does what he does best. Here he explains economics, political economy, the current financial mess, the need for the new president to act with the appropriate advice, and relates his knowledge to the current gambling debt fiasco we are burdened with right now.

Science & Culture

Science & Culture
LPACTV: The Matter of Mind


Here is the mind set out as a natural resource for humanity. And as THE fundamental natural resource.
Here is set out the universe as a process and not a collection of elementary particles. Here the world is shown as NOT a bunch of chaotic and random particles.
Here is also the point / line / field paradox resolved.